Bel Power Solutions

Bel Power Solutions是全球最大規模的其中一家電源轉換和電源管理解決方案供應商。該公司提供各式各樣的產品,在將公用事業級交流電源轉換為各種直流電壓,並供電給現場、系統和半導體層級的高可用性基礎設施系統的每一個過程中提供支援。Bel Power Solutions的環保產品包括DC-DC轉換器和電源供應器。客戶可經由提高功率密度、改善在高溫環境中的效能、降低冷卻成本,以及改善替代能源應用的能量收集,從而減少耗電量。


特色產品分組依據: Bel Power Solutions

RCM200 Dual Output DC-DC Converters

RCM200 Dual Output DC-DC Converters

Designed for chassis mounting, and exhibit a closed housing with cooling openings.

EPG500 & MEPG500 AC-DC Power Supplies

EPG500 & MEPG500 AC-DC Power Supplies

Provides up to 500W of regulated output power over a wide input range of 90VAC to 264VAC.

EPG300 & MEPG300 AC-DC Power Supplies

EPG300 & MEPG300 AC-DC Power Supplies

Accommodate a universal input voltage of 90VAC to 264VAC, delivering up to 300W of output power.

TEC2200/2401/2600 AC-DC前端電源供應器

TEC2200/2401/2600 AC-DC前端電源供應器

可熱插拔的公共冗餘電源供應器 (CRPS),支援N+1冗餘架構。